West Hempfield Fire & Rescue Property and Building FOR SALE!

01/05/2018 by Manager


The West Hempfield Fire & Rescue Company (Fire Company) will accept sealed bids at
the West Hempfield Township Municipal Office, 3401 Marietta Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17601
for the purchase of the Fire Company property (1.217 acres) and adjoining two tracts of land
(.692 acres plus .257 acres) totaling 2.166 acres more or less (The Property). Such Property will
include the existing structure. Bids will be accepted until March 13, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. All bids
received by the Fire Company will be publically opened at the West Hempfield Fire & Rescue
Company, 3519 Marietta Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17601 and the offered consideration read
aloud at 7:30 p.m. on that date.

The Property will be sold “AS-IS” with no warranty whatsoever guaranteeing its
condition. Bidders must perform such inspections of the Property as they deem necessary for
the purchase of the Property, and not on any representations or warranties of the Fire Company
or anyone acting on the Fire Company's behalf. Sealed bids shall be clearly marked "BID -
Purchase of 3519 Marietta A venue". All bidders must complete, sign and submit their sealed
bid in the form provided by the Fire Company.

The Fire Company reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to reject bids deemed to
be insufficient, in whole or in part, or to waive any and all technical deficiencies in any bid.

The Bid Packet consisting of bidding instructions, Agreement of Sale, surveys, tax
assessment information, Bid Form and envelope, may be obtained at the West Hempfield
Township Municipal Office at 3401 Marietta A venue, Lancaster, P A 17601. Persons wishing
to inspect the Property may arrange to do so through John Leas at 717-406-8378.